Hey, it's probably cheaper (less destructive) than being an N.A. (Nordstrom... not narcotics, people.)
Good to see you online! Wish I could see you (or even talk to you) in person!
Anderson is totally dancing to your play list. :)

I'm Kelly and I'm also a recovering G.A. For me, it started in high school. All the other girls were wearing cute sweater sets from Gap. I thought, what's the harm? Soon I was hooked. I just couldn't stay out of there. Before I knew it, I was stealing Gap items out of my sister's closet. It wasn't pretty.
Still, years later, I struggle. Except now Gap Kids is the siren song I must avoid. Stay strong and remember to lean on those who love you during this difficult time.

I just wanted to add that Gap is a gateway addiction. Soon you'll be in Banana Republic justifying a $90 top. I went down that road, Jessica. And it wasn't pretty. I'm eight months clean there (only because my pregnancy forced me to stop). But I just looked online. I'm so weak!

perhaps we should start a self-help group over lunch at the mall?

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