Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ode to Snow Days???

Well, Spring is officially here in Wyoming. While other states enjoy the warmer yet not yet hot days of Spring, Wyomingites enjoy the ever changing weather that Spring brings. One day it can be so warm you are sporting flip-flops and driving with the windows down and the next day you can bundle up and try not to freeze to death as you shovel yourself out of your driveway. Such is the case this last weekend. Last week and into the weekend was perfectly beautiful. Then, the storm came. Monday was freezing. I reluctantly wrapped myself in warm clothes and stumbled out of my house to make the 40 minute trek to my job. The roads were treacherous. I was uber stressed as I cautiously took my time to reach my destination. Instead of 40 minutes, it took me around an hour. Luckily, I have planning period first hour, which is a nice built in buffer if I happen to be running late. I pulled up to the parking lot, and...it was empty. Was this an early April Fool's Day joke? Was I so exhausted my eyes were playing tricks on me? Could it possibly be that school was canceled and someone FORGOT to call me? I mean, WHO would do that? I slowly turned back onto the highway to return to my sweet bed hours after having earlier abandoned it. While my second snow day was sweet, it was just a little less so after having almost frozen to death in my quest to mold young childrens' minds. Oh well, at least I took a nap and did some laundry...

Blogger Catherine said...

Why didn't you post the link to "you know you're from Wyoming if..." :)

March 31, 2009 10:16 PM

Blogger Kelly D. said...

And I thought the Utah weather was being crazy! Holy Cow!

You switched from Diet Coke to Diet Pepsi? When did this happen? Thank goodness I get to see you next week and have an in depth (in person!) discussion about this!

April 3, 2009 8:53 AM

Blogger Dan and Maggie said...

Hey Jessica,
This is Maggie (Shepard) Fechner from Cody. I found your blog because I've been trying to find if any of the ol' Cody people have blogs. My family has one too and I'd love to invite you to it, but it's private so if you just post your email address in one of your own comments I'll invite you and you can see what's up with my fam too.

April 17, 2009 4:13 PM


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ode to Snow Days...

The phone rang at 6:15 in the morning. (AKA the butt-crack of dawn). In my comatose state, I only managed to pick up the phone as my father (one of the perks of living at home--a live answering service) was finishing the conversation. All I heard was, "tell her school is canceled for today". I instantly picked up my cell phone and called the land line. LAY-ZEE, I know. It was 6:15 after all, so cut me some slack. My dad responded to my inquiry as to WHICH school was canceled, as my mom works for another school district. I was positive it was her rural school as opposed to mine. I was mistaken, it was MY adorable school (here and here) that was closed for the day! I was positive my HUH-LARIOUS dad was pulling my leg, so I ran upstairs like a little girl on Christmas morning. Annoyed with my hopeful and chipper disposition, he scolded me to get back to bed since I truly did not have to go to school. Ironically, I was so awake after I found out I actually COULD sleep in. After eating breakfast and doing some homework, I crawled back into my lovely and happy place and took a nap while the snow slowly and gently fell on the Wyoming ground. Sometimes nature just makes us take a break. Life is good. Snow days are wonderful.

Blogger DC Diva said...

Jessica. is. blogging.


March 24, 2009 7:58 PM