Friday, June 26, 2009

Which are you?

So, I just got back from the hair salon. While I was sitting for my color to take, I had yet ANOTHER breakthrough. (Perhaps the influx of breakthroughs lately are due to my impending twenty-tenth birthday?) Anyway...

I'm sitting there and I realize: I AM NOT A "TALKER". You know, there are "talkers" and "non-talkers" and it has taken me this long to come to grips. Don't get me wrong, I'm a girl who likes to talk. For those three faithful readers you know what I mean. The problem is, I talk all damn day. Between school, family and friends, I never shut up! When I go to get a pedicure or hair cut, don't talk to me. Don't even think about talking to me during a massage--those who do it should be shot as it is purely unconstitutional!

So, the question remains: "Talker", "non-talker", what are you???

Blogger Kelly D. said...

I'm DEFINITELY a non-talker. Totally agree with everything you said. When I'm in the salon, all I want is silence. Because I probably went there to escape female jabbering in the first place (hello, I live with three girls that DON'T. STOP. TALKING. EVER.)

Someday we'll have to go to the spa and be silent together :)

June 26, 2009 1:08 PM

Blogger Catherine said...

YAY! I've actually thought a lot about this lately. I don't know if it applies to the salon specifically, but in other situations, most definitely. For example, the first ten minutes I'm awake in the morning, don't talk to me. I'm a morning person, but not in those direct ten minutes after I've just woken up. Love you! Oh, and I can't wait to step inside a GAP when I get home! New clothes!

June 27, 2009 11:16 AM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Gapaholics Anonymous Update

Okay, this is PROBABLY because I should be writing a major research paper and not because I am addicted to the GAP, but I just went online. It was only for a second. It didn't mean anything. I didn't even buy anything! I guess if I post this I will be more accountable for my problem:).

Thanks for all those who supported me in my break-through. I can see why people call the GAP the "gateway" drug to more potent and mind altering ones like Banana. Thankfully, I am only using GAP recreationally at this point. Oh how I struggle....

Blogger Kelly D. said...

Maybe the trick is to kind of wean yourself off. Maybe Old Navy online? Maybe that's kind of like the nicorette gum of Gap addictions?

I struggle with Anthropologie. I think I check the "Sale Tops" section at least once a day. I'm up for that mall self help group any day!

Love you, funny girl.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Gapaholics Anonymous (G.A.)

For those of you who know I like to shop, this will come as no surprise to you. Others might be a smidgen shocked. What I am about to tell you is a major break-through in my life, as they say admitting the problem is the first step. Having said that, here goes:

Jessica: Hi, my name is Jessica.

Group: Hi Jessica.

Jessica: I am a Gap-aholic. It has been 2 weeks since I was the store and 21.5 hours since I looked on line.

Group: Admitting your problem is the first step: way to go!

Is there some sort of rehab for this tragic character flaw???

Blogger DC Diva said...

Hey, it's probably cheaper (less destructive) than being an N.A. (Nordstrom... not narcotics, people.)

Good to see you online! Wish I could see you (or even talk to you) in person!

Anderson is totally dancing to your play list. :)

June 23, 2009 6:04 AM

Blogger Kelly D. said...

I'm Kelly and I'm also a recovering G.A. For me, it started in high school. All the other girls were wearing cute sweater sets from Gap. I thought, what's the harm? Soon I was hooked. I just couldn't stay out of there. Before I knew it, I was stealing Gap items out of my sister's closet. It wasn't pretty.

Still, years later, I struggle. Except now Gap Kids is the siren song I must avoid. Stay strong and remember to lean on those who love you during this difficult time.

June 23, 2009 7:24 AM

Blogger Kelly D. said...

I just wanted to add that Gap is a gateway addiction. Soon you'll be in Banana Republic justifying a $90 top. I went down that road, Jessica. And it wasn't pretty. I'm eight months clean there (only because my pregnancy forced me to stop). But I just looked online. I'm so weak!

June 23, 2009 7:37 AM

Blogger Jessica Taggart said...

perhaps we should start a self-help group over lunch at the mall?

June 24, 2009 12:03 PM
