Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ain't she a peach!

Well, I know I've been a little slow at reporting my "30 Things" project, but you will have to forgive me. I set a goal to learn to can this fall and thanks to a friend in my ward, I did it! It was really fun and surprisingly not as hard as I had anticipated. Besides learning to can pears and peaches, I also made a load of freezer jam. I made strawberry, raspberry, peach and pear (quite delish btw). Sadly I did not make enough as we are running low already--I guess I underestimated how much jam could be consumed under one roof! Anyway, the goal of my "30 Things" project was to learn things that I have always wanted to learn and lacked either the motivation or time to tackle. I am excited about this new-found skill and look forward to using it in my life for many years to come! On a funny note, the electricity went out when I was making the pear jam--talk about being domestic!

A simple recipe for pear freezer jam with pure pear taste.
Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • 3-1/2 cups pear puree
  • 1-1/2 cups sugar
  • 1 package freezer jam pectin
  • 1/3 cup water or apple juice

1. Peel and slice the pears. Then, puree in a blender or food processor.

2. Stir the sugar and pectin together in a bowl.

3. Add the pear puree and water (or juice). Stir for 3 minutes.

4. Ladle the jam into clean freezer jars. Twist on the lids; then, let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes or until thickened. Refrigerate for up to 3 weeks, or freeze for up to a year.

Makes enough for 5 half-pint freezer jars.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sheet Cake, or S&*@ Cake?

While these pictures are from a while back, I just wanted to remind you that this is what happens when you multi-task:

My "no-fail" sheet cake that has earned accolades for all of my baking years turned into a nightmare when I needed a cake for Parent Teacher Conferences. Not only did it look bad, it tasted worse.

Multi-tasking: Just say NO!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Anniversary to me!

Tomorrow marks a very important day in my teaching career. It is my first anniversary of being a Spanish teacher. I cannot help but reflect on how this year has gone, how I've grown and what I've learned about teaching and about myself. I cannot believe how far I've come as a professional and as a student. While I know I still have much room for improvement, I feel accomplished knowing what I have done in one short year. I feel so lucky to have such a great job. I am grateful for what I get to do with my time and am honored to be around such inspiring individuals as my students!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Working on Goal #15

A group of women from my Aunt's ward goes hiking once a month. I joined them on a lovely hike in Yellowstone Park. We hiked to a lake and had lunch. After we hiked out we went on a little jaunt by Yellowstone Lake. The only thing that would have made it better is if it had lasted longer. One hike down, four to go!

Monday, August 31, 2009

How we love thee Dewey!

Dear Dewey:

Thank you so much for being so organized. Thank you for devising a way for everyone (even challenged girls like myself) to have the ability to locate items from our local libraries. Where would we be without you?

Thanks to your heavenly set-up, I was able to enjoy the perks of my local library this weekend. Saturday morning I took my lively Labrador Max on a walk. On our way home, I tied him up outside, ran inside and five minutes later walked out with a great non-fiction piece called Garlic and Sapphires. Book in hand, I picked up Max and went on my merry way. It was a special moment in my day and I am indebted to you and your fabulous organizational skills.

Till we meet again.


Jessica Taggart

P.S. What are your thoughts on this article? As a reader, I am sure you are very upset.

Blogger Ming said...

I'm SO sad! I loved Reading Rainbow as a kid. Boooo.

August 31, 2009 10:17 AM

Blogger Kelly D. said...

That is too bad. Maybe they'll air repeats?

Let me know how your library book is! (I'm always on the lookout for a good read!)

August 31, 2009 1:14 PM

Blogger Harley King said...

Dear Dewey,

You are too good to us. Or should I say, "You're all 500.130 to me?"


PS Reading Rainbow is canceled so Geordi LaForge can get back to Star Trek where he belongs.

August 31, 2009 8:07 PM


Sunday, July 5, 2009

30 Things...

Well, it's here: my 30th birthday. I knew the day would come; it is, after all, inevitable. For some reason, I dreaded this day a lot more a few years ago than I do now. Maybe I am maturing in my maturing age. Regardless of the reason, one thing is sure: I tend to reflect around my birthday. I like to think about what I have accomplished in the last year and what I would like to do in the upcoming one. Most of the time, I cry on my birthday. I don't know why, but anyone that truly knows me knows crying isn't all that unusual in my life . Since this is a monumental day I thought I would hit the ground rolling and accomplish some major and not so major things in honor of turning the big twenty-ten. Wish me luck. Notice that by putting these on my blog my accountability goes up ten-fold. Pretty smart. And you thought I was just a pretty face...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

In honor of this grand milestone in my life, I have decided to make a list of things I would like to accomplish during my 30thyear. I have to admit, I stole this idea from Nicole Diva, but copying is the highest form of flattery, is it not? Some of these goals are silly, some more serious. Some are fairly personal, but that privacy is lost as soon it becomes a blog entry; so, you will have to forgive me. All in all I want to look back on my 30th year with joy, passion and excitement for all of the amazing things I have been able to accomplish. Wish me luck! Will keep you posted…

30 Things to Do While I’m 30

(In no particular order…)

  1. Get out of credit card debt: I know, I know, Suze Orman would kill me. It isn’t as bad as you might think, but it’s nothing I want to shout from the rooftops either. This goal is really close to being accomplished (is that cheating to put it on my list?).
  2. Pay of 20% of my school debt: This is another doable goal. I have figured out how much I will have to pay each month. While it is doesn’t seem like a huge amount, it is a step in the right direction. It took me a few years to rack up such a beautiful sum; it is going to take me a few to pay it off.
  3. Accept my relationship with my brother: For some reason, I have really unattainable expectations about my relationship with my brother and every time we get together I end up frustrated that we are not best friends who have so much in common. I need to realize he loves me but has no desire to be buddy buddy with me. I think the sooner I realize this my life (and our time together) will be much more enjoyable.
  4. Go on a horse ride: You might be thinking to yourself, “How on earth has a girl from Wyoming never been on a horse ride”? Technically, I have been on one. In my entire life. I was ten (I think). Anyway, every year I say I want to go on a horse ride and then never do. No time like the present my friend!
  5. Learn how to make Grandma Phyllis’s cinnamon rolls: These are not your ordinary cinnamon rolls. These rolls are worth their weight in gold in the Taggart family and it is high time I learn how to make them. I figure it will take me a few years to master them so I should get started.
  6. Read 30 books while I’m 30: I love reading. Unfortunately my pursuit of reading for pleasure has fallen to the wayside since I started graduate school. Trust me; I’ve been reading puh-lenty. The problem is I want to read books that I want to read as opposed to reading books for homework! I knew it would take me awhile, but I have finally mustered up the desire to read the Harry Potter series. Another book I want to read is Jesus the Christ, by James Talmage. Many of you will (and should) be shocked I didn’t get around to reading it on my mission. For those of you mentally scolding me, remember I was only in the mission field for 18 months. Those elders had an entire 6 months more to finish it!
  7. Learn how to french braid: Again, where was I when they passed out this random knowledge? Maybe it is because I never had little sisters, but I am hair challenged. Any guinea pigs out there?
  8. Learn how to change a tire: Pretty self-explanatory. I think men should know how to change a diaper, so why shouldn’t I know how to change a tire?
  9. Learn how to tie a tie: Julia Roberts knew how to do in the movie “Pretty Woman”. I figure if she could do it, I could too.
  10. Learn how to play chess: My best friend Wendy will tell you I suck at games that require any degree of strategic planning. I know this is true, but I still feel like I should learn this game. Who knows? I may end up beating the computer!
  11. Get my Master’s: (Is this one cheating too?) I am almost finished with my Master’s Degree in Education with Certification to teach Spanish K-12. It has been a great experience that has challenged me in many ways. NBD, I am going to have a MASTERS soon!
  12. Blog at least once per month: This may sound like a dismal goal, but for those three readers out there, you know my track record is not so hot. I get overwhelmed if I have to blog everything and make it cute and catchy to compete with the blogging masses I end up not blogging at all! Twelve times in a year? Totally doable...
  13. Re-read the New Testament: I have not read the New Testament cover to cover since I was in college. I love the way you can come to know the Savior and His teachings more intimately as you read the apostle’s words. I think reading it in tandem(ish) with Talmage’s Jesus the Christ will make both more meaningful.
  14. Golf at least 3 times this year: I like golfing. I am not any good, but I enjoy it. It is fairly expensive and I usually run myself ragged in the summers, but I think 3 times is doable. I’ll even be satisfied if I make it to the driving range!
  15. Go on 5 hikes in the surrounding area of Wyoming: This will not come as a shock for many of you, but I was not raised in a particularly “outdoor” family. I have always wanted to be more outdoorsy, but I’ve never really learned. Blame it on working crazy summer jobs, but I never really got to take advantage of the beautiful Wyoming outdoors growing up. Now that I am teaching, I hope to learn more about local hikes, etc. and expose/discover? my outdoorsy side.
  16. Host 3 fabulous parties: I love entertaining. Even thought it is expensive and a lot of work, it is so much fun. I usually host an Oscar party and a Cinco de Mayo party. Any suggestions for my third soiree?
  17. Paint my bedroom: This is kind of boring, but I have been talking about painting it since I moved in (over 3 years ago). Time to get painting!
  18. Learn to be Mac savvy: I just invested in a MacBook Pro after my old laptop finally stopped working. I am enjoying some of the programs quite a bit but I know there is so much potential for this computer just waiting to be discovered. Fortunately, my school district is also making the switch. So, between the online tutorials and the training I have to go through at school, I should be set.
  19. Learn to use a jump-drive: Please don’t pee yourself as you read this. HOW could I not know how to use one? Please don’t make me explain myself, just remember that I STRUG-GLE with computers.*
  20. Plant a garden: Sometime in May, the gardening bug bit me. Unfortunately, I was gone the entire month of June taking classes, so I didn’t plant anything during our short gardening window. I have been doing some reading and have most of the supplies to grow beans and carrots next year. I would also like to plant an herb garden inside. Food tastes so much better with fresh herbs and spices, don’t you think?
  21. De-junk my bathroom, closet and life: In short, Live More Simply: I have so much stuff! I don’t necessarily think this is wrong, but I know I don’t need everything I have. We can get too attached to unimportant things. I know that when I have had to go without, i.e. on my mission, I remembered I could survive without everything once deemed a necessity. This one poses to be very challenging for me I expect. If for whatever reason you need to remind me of this goal, put it gently won’t you?
  22. Take a Spin Class: I have actually already done this. My boyfriend is way into cycling, so we took a class together. I wasn’t so great about going as I had a college class two hours away on one of the class days. I have paid for a class already, I just need to get my butt in gear. After all, who wants to look bad in those bike shorts?
  23. Feel HEALTHY as opposed to THIN: Sure, who doesn’t want to feel thin? First and foremost, I will never technically fall into the category of “thin”, but you know what I mean. I want to work out because it feels so good when I’m done and because I feel stronger. If I manage to lose some weight, great. The point is to feel healthy, rested and happy. Which leads me to my next goal…
  24. Love myself more: I am the white woman’s Oprah without the money. Fat, thin, fat, thin—my weight has changed more than Liz Taylor has changed husbands. Like many other women I know, I am extremely hard on myself regarding this issue. I laugh it off a lot, but many times it is a façade so I won’t feel so down on myself! Why do we do this to ourselves? Why are we our worst enemies and the greatest cheerleaders to others? It is unfair and emotionally unhealthy. Whether I fit into my “skinny” jeans or not, I want to love myself for who I am. This is not a free pass to frumpy obesity, (refer to goal #23) but merely a paradigm shift that will hopefully result in more peace and self-acceptance.
  25. Raise a puppy: Okay, this is also kind of cheating. I should really say “HELP raise a puppy.” (I am quite the cheater, aren’t I?) My parents, (in an attempt to make up for the lack of grandchildren I’m sure) bought an adorable black lab a few weeks ago. His name is Max and he is a spit-fire! I was a little girl the last time our family owned a puppy so it has been a growing and interesting experience for me. I look forward to it (I just need to remember to hide my shoes….)
  26. Watch all of Planet Earth, The Civil War and WWII: I don’t know if you have seen Ken Burn’s documentaries about the Civil War or WWII, but the parts I have seen are amazing. The same goes with the Planet Earth series. Unfortunately, I have never seen them in their entirety. I’ll be sure to let you know how they turn out.
  27. Run a 5-K: Okay, please don’t fall out of your chair or pee yourself. To me running is one step below water-boarding as far as torture goes. My aversion is long lived, but I cannot DIE from running five kilometers. I have not really looked into when they have local 5 K’s, but I know they have one every 4th of July, so if it takes me all year, I I may become the next Flo Jo or I may never run again. Time will tell. I have already downloaded a training schedule, which is practically the hardest part, isn’t it???
  28. Learn how to master Grandma Phyllis’s fudge: As with the cinnamon rolls, this is a family treat that stirs so many memories. I want to learn how to preserve those memories through this delectable dish.
  29. Learn how to can: Every year, a woman in our ward hauls peaches and pairs from Idaho to Cody for all the woman to can. I have purchased pears and peaches every year for my family to do this. We end up eating them on cereal and ice cream. While this is delicious, it defeats my purposes. Sadly, no one has had the time to teach me and I KNOW this is a task I do not want to take on alone. Apparently, I am not asking firmly enough:). The squeaky wheel...
  30. Learn how to jump-start a car: I have jumper cables, and I have been shown how to do this. I just don’t have enough confidence about it. I don’t want to shock myself to death! Time to take the bull by the horns and get ‘er done!

Blogger Jessica Taggart said...

It should be noted that I typed this entry in several sittings. I did, in the interim of this post, "master" using a flash drive. One thing down, twenty-nine to go!

July 13, 2009 2:30 PM

Blogger Kelly D. said...

I love this idea! Your the goals you set for yourself are great (I may have to steal some!). I'm excited for us to enter our next decade!!!!

July 13, 2009 3:21 PM

Blogger Suzette Selden said...

I love your goals. They are great. I think it is hilarious you have not been on a horse since you were ten. I imagined you in Wyoming riding all the time ;)

July 14, 2009 7:05 AM

Blogger thatslifeforyou said...

Hi Jessica! I just clicked on one of the Diva emails (from Wendy) and it led me to your blog. I just read all your goals and am very impressed. I need to do the same. Thanks for inspiring me. BTW, I was thinking of you this month on the 5th (also Buddy's grandma's b-day. She's 93. I'm 100% certain you look way better than her. Weird to think of ourselves 60+ years down the road.) Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday. I sure love you and now want to read more of your blog. Cute design by the way. Miss you! ~Sally

July 17, 2009 2:38 PM

Blogger Ming said...

Love it love it love it! Fabulous goals for a fabulous woman! You can practice your french braiding on me any time :) I too do not know how to french braid and was recently thinking I should learn. I bet Anna knows how...maybe we should have her teach us on our Calicoma?

July 20, 2009 6:45 AM

Blogger Catherine said...

OK. Basically all of these goals are totally attainable with my assistance when I come home. Fear not, I will help, and we will accomplish them together!!!!

July 23, 2009 8:19 AM


Friday, June 26, 2009

Which are you?

So, I just got back from the hair salon. While I was sitting for my color to take, I had yet ANOTHER breakthrough. (Perhaps the influx of breakthroughs lately are due to my impending twenty-tenth birthday?) Anyway...

I'm sitting there and I realize: I AM NOT A "TALKER". You know, there are "talkers" and "non-talkers" and it has taken me this long to come to grips. Don't get me wrong, I'm a girl who likes to talk. For those three faithful readers you know what I mean. The problem is, I talk all damn day. Between school, family and friends, I never shut up! When I go to get a pedicure or hair cut, don't talk to me. Don't even think about talking to me during a massage--those who do it should be shot as it is purely unconstitutional!

So, the question remains: "Talker", "non-talker", what are you???

Blogger Kelly D. said...

I'm DEFINITELY a non-talker. Totally agree with everything you said. When I'm in the salon, all I want is silence. Because I probably went there to escape female jabbering in the first place (hello, I live with three girls that DON'T. STOP. TALKING. EVER.)

Someday we'll have to go to the spa and be silent together :)

June 26, 2009 1:08 PM

Blogger Catherine said...

YAY! I've actually thought a lot about this lately. I don't know if it applies to the salon specifically, but in other situations, most definitely. For example, the first ten minutes I'm awake in the morning, don't talk to me. I'm a morning person, but not in those direct ten minutes after I've just woken up. Love you! Oh, and I can't wait to step inside a GAP when I get home! New clothes!

June 27, 2009 11:16 AM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Gapaholics Anonymous Update

Okay, this is PROBABLY because I should be writing a major research paper and not because I am addicted to the GAP, but I just went online. It was only for a second. It didn't mean anything. I didn't even buy anything! I guess if I post this I will be more accountable for my problem:).

Thanks for all those who supported me in my break-through. I can see why people call the GAP the "gateway" drug to more potent and mind altering ones like Banana. Thankfully, I am only using GAP recreationally at this point. Oh how I struggle....

Blogger Kelly D. said...

Maybe the trick is to kind of wean yourself off. Maybe Old Navy online? Maybe that's kind of like the nicorette gum of Gap addictions?

I struggle with Anthropologie. I think I check the "Sale Tops" section at least once a day. I'm up for that mall self help group any day!

Love you, funny girl.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Gapaholics Anonymous (G.A.)

For those of you who know I like to shop, this will come as no surprise to you. Others might be a smidgen shocked. What I am about to tell you is a major break-through in my life, as they say admitting the problem is the first step. Having said that, here goes:

Jessica: Hi, my name is Jessica.

Group: Hi Jessica.

Jessica: I am a Gap-aholic. It has been 2 weeks since I was the store and 21.5 hours since I looked on line.

Group: Admitting your problem is the first step: way to go!

Is there some sort of rehab for this tragic character flaw???

Blogger DC Diva said...

Hey, it's probably cheaper (less destructive) than being an N.A. (Nordstrom... not narcotics, people.)

Good to see you online! Wish I could see you (or even talk to you) in person!

Anderson is totally dancing to your play list. :)

June 23, 2009 6:04 AM

Blogger Kelly D. said...

I'm Kelly and I'm also a recovering G.A. For me, it started in high school. All the other girls were wearing cute sweater sets from Gap. I thought, what's the harm? Soon I was hooked. I just couldn't stay out of there. Before I knew it, I was stealing Gap items out of my sister's closet. It wasn't pretty.

Still, years later, I struggle. Except now Gap Kids is the siren song I must avoid. Stay strong and remember to lean on those who love you during this difficult time.

June 23, 2009 7:24 AM

Blogger Kelly D. said...

I just wanted to add that Gap is a gateway addiction. Soon you'll be in Banana Republic justifying a $90 top. I went down that road, Jessica. And it wasn't pretty. I'm eight months clean there (only because my pregnancy forced me to stop). But I just looked online. I'm so weak!

June 23, 2009 7:37 AM

Blogger Jessica Taggart said...

perhaps we should start a self-help group over lunch at the mall?

June 24, 2009 12:03 PM
