Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Anniversary to me!

Tomorrow marks a very important day in my teaching career. It is my first anniversary of being a Spanish teacher. I cannot help but reflect on how this year has gone, how I've grown and what I've learned about teaching and about myself. I cannot believe how far I've come as a professional and as a student. While I know I still have much room for improvement, I feel accomplished knowing what I have done in one short year. I feel so lucky to have such a great job. I am grateful for what I get to do with my time and am honored to be around such inspiring individuals as my students!


  1. Quisiera aprender hablar (y escribir) en espanol mucho mejor. Ayudame!

  2. Me parece que ya hablas muy bien. Encima has usado el subjunctivo! Excelente:)

  3. Gracias, pero pienso que estas siendo demasiado sympatica. I'm just making stuff up now. Estas siendo? Does that make sense? Anyway, thanks. I don't know what the subjunctive is. But I'm happy to usarlo.

  4. Happy Anniversary. Your Spanish is so tan muy bonita.
