Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sheet Cake, or S&*@ Cake?

While these pictures are from a while back, I just wanted to remind you that this is what happens when you multi-task:

My "no-fail" sheet cake that has earned accolades for all of my baking years turned into a nightmare when I needed a cake for Parent Teacher Conferences. Not only did it look bad, it tasted worse.

Multi-tasking: Just say NO!


  1. May we all learn a lesson from this.

  2. Eh, I probably still would have eaten the whole thing. Nothing a little frosting couldn't fix ;)

  3. P.S. Care to share the recipe? The correct, non-distracted one?

  4. Oh no worries! I did eat it. I got a horrible stomache ache mind you, but it was eaten in its entirety just the same. I just was not about to serve it to the public. The unfortunate thing is that the cake above IS frosted. Instead of spreading over the cake as it should, it made the cake collapse.

    Will be happy to post the recipe. Stay tuned: it calls for an ENTIRE POUND OF BUTTER!

  5. I'm glad it was a cake and not your eyebrows or something. Looking forward to the recipe!

  6. HoneyBunny you so funny.

    Texas #$%## Ingredients:

    3 cups flower
    1 cup margarine or butter
    3 reruns law and order
    1 iTunes update
    1 tsp vanilla
    2 phone calls to family
    1 partially clean room
    Chopped nuts

    Serve warm. Lots of leftovers.
